Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Hi people...

Today the topic of my blog is BOREDOM!

So lately I have been very very very bored. It is actually kinda weird because summer is supposed to be fun and entertaining and stuff, but my summer has been everything but that.

The first week of my summer vacation was okay, like I said in the previous post. I volunteered the whole week. Thursday was a pretty fun day because we had a campfire at the camp, during which the cub scouts performed hilarious skits. The only kind of lame thing about the whole campfire idea was the fact that there was absolutely no fire (ha ha).

I have been thinking about what I will do this summer besides volunteering at a couple of places and doing my summer homework, and all I have ended up with have been a hurting brain. Come to think of it, it is quite hard to plan activities to do during summer, when you are not really allowed to go places with your friends, without having to go through a whole questionnaire first. I really wish my mother was not so overprotective of me, because that gets extremely annoying. I could probably ramble on and on about how much I hate being overprotected(?), but I won't because I can't really do much about that and it would just be a waste of my time.

Now, I have also been thinking that I will probably have an extra period next year of h.s. I think I might decide to take band as an extra elective. This was actually something I wanted to do my first year of high school, but I couldn't because of numerous reasons. It would actually be very cool to get to play my flute again. But there is a catch to this whole deal, I haven't touched my flute in over a year. I would have to dedicate a great amount of time this summer to practicing my flute, again...( I'm not to fond of practicing...I think I do just fine without it...but that's not true).

OK, now that I have gone from talking about boredom, to an overprotective mother, and playing my flute, i believe I shall end this post with a random quote:

"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity." -Dorothy Parker

Well maybe not so random, but it is a good quote anyways...

Peace out!!!


Anonymous said...

"I really wish my mother was not so overprotective of me, because that gets extremely annoying."

You know, your mom is only overprotective for your own sake. I mean, yah, I understand what you mean, of course, but she's trying to help you in a sense, even if it doesn't seem like it! But yes.... I can see how you are so bored. ;) XD

"I would have to dedicate a great amount of time this summer to practicing my flute, again...( I'm not to fond of practicing...I think I do just fine without it...but that's not true)."

GAH. Hate practicing so much. I prefer the term playing ^^, not practicing. Lol. You should try to practice atleast a little this summer. I know I'll be playing myself for 20-30 every day because I'm taking lessons again. Give it a shot, and don't think of it as a commitment, since its not MANDATORY to take band. Just try picking it up and have fun playing! =)